Reference data

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What we do

We have standard products, but we also do much more besides

  • Street and building directories
    Street and building directories

    Our international street and building directories are the best on the market and offer nationwide coverage for several European countries.

  • Coordinates

    We can, upon request, also provide geo-coordinates with our reference data. We can supply coordinates from a number of providers.

  • Points of interest
    Points of interest

    We can provide you with extensive additional information about the addresses. For example, whether a building is a hospital, school, nursing home, etc.

  • Features

    Through our AZ Direct data, information and address system, we can supply a range of other data, e.g. the number of households, number of companies, purchasing power, etc.

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We start where other companies stop…

deliverable countries in Europe
of our customers do not receive default

Long-term customers
(>5 Jahre)

individual customer service

Your Contact person

Our experts will be happy to provide a more in-depth consultation.

Maik Herzog

Do you have any specific questions or special requirements? No problem – I would be more than happy to work with you to find the perfect solution. 27 years of experience and countless consultations are an undeniable advantage in this regard... I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

Laetitia Walden
Produktmanagerin Referenzdaten

Sie haben Fragen rund um das Thema Straßen- und Gebäudedateien? Sie brauchen Beratung um das perfekte Produkt für Ihren Anwendungsfall zu finden? Sprechen Sie mich gerne an. Ich berate Sie gerne und gemeinsam finden wir sicher die beste Lösung für Sie.

Mehr spannende Insights gibt es in unseren Blogs

Need information on

other AZ Direct products or services?

AZ Direct is your partner for successful data-driven multi-channel marketing.

With the expertise developed from more than 50 years of dialog marketing, we support you both with with new customer acquisitionand with the subsequent customer communication and sales via all sales channels – online and offline.

With around 68 million reachable consumers in various online and offline channels, we offer the greatest cross-media reach in Germany – by direct mail, e-mail-marketing, display-advertising, video, mobile und social media.

For more information, please visit our AZ Direct GmbH website

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