How good reference data can help you

What good reference data does

  • New buildings, new streets
  • Up-to-date street names
  • The latest name changes
  • Correct spelling
  • Clear, unchangeable building ID
  • Up-to-date political and postal information

This gives you correct customer contacts and improved sales management.

Improved logistics and more precise site planning are further advantages of correct reference data. Correct invoicing will save you time and money.

The features of the AZ Direct reference data:

  • The AZ Direct street and building directories are the best on the market and offer nationwide coverage.
  • The AZ building directory includes all the relevant address data on almost every building in Germany.
  • After careful verification, new streets and buildings, as well as new street names etc., are incorporated into the building data on an ongoing basis.
  • This data maintenance is partly automated, but also carried out by a professional team of 15 staff members with 215 years in combined experience.
  • Add coordinates, demographic structure data or a range of address-verification features from AZ DIAS’s extensive data offering.

We start where other companies stop…

  • We swiftly adapt to your requirements regarding format, delivery cycles and much more.
  • Problems, errors and any new streets or buildings can be reported to our research team at
  • We offer a personalized service from the moment you first contact us.
  • We guarantee that AZ Direct GmbH owns all the relevant rights to the AZ reference data. There are no third-party rights.
  • We are proud of the high quality of our data. To achieve this, we have developed comprehensive policies and verification guidelines, on the basis of which our data sources are continuously evaluated in order to ensure a consistent quality standard.