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We are proud of the high quality of our data. To achieve this, we have developed comprehensive policies and verification guidelines, on the basis of which our data sources are continuously evaluated in order to ensure a consistent quality standard.
You can rely on us: New streets and buildings, as well as new street names etc., are incorporated into the building data on an ongoing basis – after careful verification, of course. This data maintenance is partly automated, but also carried out by a professional team of 15 staff members with 215 years in combined experience.
Head of Content Maintenance & Data Protection
My area of responsibility and tasks
Head of the department, customer service and consulting
28 years
I am the contact person when...
there is any question ;-)
Favorite tasks
Develop and implement new ideas
Top 5 favorite things at work
Water, notepad and many documents
Top 3 favorite tools
Teams, Power Point, Visio
Product Manager Reference Data
My area of responsibility and tasks
Kundenbetreuung und Beratung rund um das Thema Referenzdaten auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene
I am the contact person when...
Sie Fragen rund um das Thema Straßen- und Gebäudedateien haben
Favorite tasks
Neue Kunden von Anfang an zu begleiten und mit Ihnen eine langfristige Geschäftsbeziehung aufzubauen
My motto / my saying
Richte deinen Fokus auf die Lösung, nicht auf das Problem - Mahatma Gandhi
Top 5 favorite things at work
Notizzettel, Headset, Handcreme, Textmarker und Schokolade
Top 3 favorite tools
PowerPoint, JIRA und Miro
Editorial & Research, Customer Service
My area of responsibility and tasks
Supervision of the editorial & research team, data maintenance of the building data
11 years
I am the contact person when...
you have specific questions about allegedly missing or incorrect data
Favorite tasks
Maintenance and editing of various areas in BGD
My motto / my saying
Tame birds dream of freedom, wild ones fly
Top 5 favorite things at work
Memo folder, textmarker, personal picture, coffee and coffee cup, hand cream
Top 3 favorite tools
Access, Oracle, Teams
IT Operator
My area of responsibility and tasks
Technical support of reference data National & International
23 years
I am the contact person when...
you have technical questions about the topic of street and building file
Favorite tasks
Delivery of the new files to the customers
Top 5 favorite things at work
tea, apples, cookies, sandwiches, cakes
Data Specialist
My area of responsibility and tasks
Kundenbetreuung und Beratung rund um das Thema Referenzdaten auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene
über 30 Jahre Erfahrung
I am the contact person when...
Sie technische Fragen rund um das Thema Straßen- und Gebäudedatei haben
Favorite tasks
Prozessoptimierung, Datenanalyse
Top 5 favorite things at work
Headset, Notizblock, Stift, Tasse Kaffee, Glas Wasser
Top 3 favorite tools
Teams, SQL Developer, Excel
Editorial & Research, Customer Service
10 years
I am the contact person when...
You have specific questions about allegedly missing or incorrect data
Top 5 favorite things at work
My colleagues, Post-its
Top 3 favorite tools
Teams, X-win, Excel
Data Protection Specialist
Junior Data Scientist
Editing and research (home worker)
My area of responsibility and tasks
Data maintenance of the building data
25 years
Favorite tasks
Record as many house numbers as possible...research on the internet new buildings etc.
My motto / my saying
"Enjoy the moment, because the moment is your life."
Top 5 favorite things at work
Notepad (no limit), Good pens, Cup of coffee, Ruler, Hand cream.
Top 3 favorite tools
PowerPoint, Microsoft Teams
Customer Service
My area of responsibility and tasks
Customers and suppliers billing
18 years
Editing and research (home worker)
My area of responsibility and tasks
Data maintenance of the building data
23 years
Favorite tasks
Address research and data maintenance
My motto / my saying
Boredom is my enemy !!!
Top 5 favorite things at work
Notepad, ballpoint pen, printer, highlighter, coffee cup
Top 3 favorite tools
Microsoft Edge, Excel, Access
Editing and research (home worker)
My area of responsibility and tasks
Data maintenance of the building data
22 years
Favorite tasks
Implement new tasks
My motto / my saying
Don't let the little things or the inevitable upset you
Top 5 favorite things at work
Notepad, glass of water, hand cream
Top 3 favorite tools
Editing and research (home worker)
My area of responsibility and tasks
Data maintenance of the building data
28 years
My motto / my saying
Think positively. Every problem is solvable
Top 5 favorite things at work
Coffee, calendar, favorite stuffed animal
Editing and research (home worker)
My area of responsibility and tasks
Data maintenance of the building data
18 years
Favorite tasks
Research until you find what you are looking for
My motto / my saying
Then that's just the way it is
Top 5 favorite things at work
Mineral water, nerve food, photos of family and dog, telephone, hand cream
Top 3 favorite tools
Maintenance dialog, PowerPoint, Teams
Editing and research (home worker)
My area of responsibility and tasks
Data maintenance of the building data
25 years
Editing and research (home worker)
My area of responsibility and tasks
Data maintenance of the building data
22 years
Favorite tasks
Working on priority list
Top 5 favorite things at work
Pen, notepad, highlighter, post-it, coffee
Top 3 favorite tools
Teams, PowerPoint
student trainee
My area of responsibility and tasks
Data Protection & Project Support
3 years
I am the contact person when...
You have specific questions about allegedly missing or incorrect data
My motto / my saying
Send out the energy you want to attract yourself.
Top 5 favorite things at work
Textmarker, notepad, favorite cup, rooibos vanilla tea, chewing gum
Top 3 favorite tools
Excel, Teams, Word
Customer Service
5 years
Top 5 favorite things at work
My colleagues, Post-its
Top 3 favorite tools
Excel, Powerpoint, Teams
Customer Service
11 years
Top 5 favorite things at work
My colleagues, textmarker
Top 3 favorite tools
Teams, Power Point, Visio
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