How many years of experience do you and your company have in the data business?
AZ Direct has been active in the address and data business for over 50 years. In 2000, our buildings dataset superseded our streets directory: it is the market leader in terms of quality and is used by hundreds of customers.
How many employees do you have working on the buildings dataset and the other reference data?
A team of 25 employees currently works on the reference data.
Where does AZ Direct GmbH have branches?
AZ Direct has offices in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The company belongs to Bertelsmann Printing Group and is also a partner to renowned joint ventures. As a result, we can offer our domestic and international customers the best service in all areas of modern dialog communication.
What sets apart from other providers?
We offer full flexibility when it comes to what you need. We adapt to your requirements. Get in touch and, together, we will find the right product for you.